Within our interdisciplinary center, Urogynecology acts
as the link between the individual departments.
After the initial diagnostic assessment,the interdisciplinary picture is defined and thejoint therapy developed with individual colleagues andtherapists.
The physicians and therapists in the Urogynecologydepartment lead their field in training, diagnostics andtherapy. The highest technical quality is ensured bycontinual interdisciplinary exchange between differentdepartments and a cooperative working partnershipwith a number of prominent European hospitals. All becausesatisfied patients is the driving force behind allour efforts.
Conservative treatments
- Nutritional medicine, pelvic floor therapy, EMDA therapy, instillation, drug therapy, gastroenterological workups
Surgical procedures
- Laparoscopic artificial sphincter implants for urinary and fecal incontinence, sphincter reconstruction for postpartum fecal incontinence, peripheral and central neuromodulation for fecal incontinence, overactive bladder and interstitial cystitis, subcutaneous injections (incl. anal), sling implants, colposuspension, Botox injections, augmentation, stem cell treatments
Conservative treatments
- Individual and couple therapy
- Real Life Experience process for gender identity disorders
Surgical procedures
- Neovagina construction with mesh-graft techniques (post-Wertheim procedure or previous operations, vaginal aplasia, malformations)
- Vaginal introitus reconstructions
- Genitoplasty for both sexes
Conservative treatments
- Pelvic floor therapy, diaphragm insertions, nutritional medicine, gastroenterological workups for malnutrition and food intolerances
Surgical procedures
- Vaginal, abdominal and total laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterosacropexy, vaginal mesh implants, abdominal and laparoscopic sacropexy, Amreich/Richter vaginal fixation procedure, vaginal reconstructive surgery, transanal procedures, laparoscopic sigmoidectomy
Surgical procedures
- All known procedures (vaginal and abdominal) for diagnosing and occluding fistula
Using specific examinations (pelvic floor needle EMG and overall neurological evaluation), patients with MS, Parkinson’s disease, spina bifida and central and peripheral neurological diseases can be diagnosed and treated accordingly. A special consultation hour has been set up for this purpose
Organization of social projects
In addition to professional medical coordination, the Urogynecology department has also established a number of social projects. One of these is integrating the nursing home into the diagnostic assessment and treatment of urinary and fecal incontinence in the elderly. The department oversees the interdisciplinary structuring of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and is instrumental in formulating recommendations and guidelines.
In the preventive area, the pelvic floor project is worked on together with our midwife before and after delivery.
There are also individual consultations and group therapies.
“My guiding principle here at the Center is based on Henry Ford’s motto: Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.“
— PD Dr. med. habil. Annett Gauruder-Burmester
Specialist in gynecology, additional title:
Sexual Medicine and Proctology Curriculum