Plastic surgery
What do we mean by plastic surgery? For us this means 30 years of experience in pelvic floor surgery, which we can offer you. Understanding the pelvic floor means internalizing knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Our intimate surgery is therefore based very closely on the normal anatomical conditions and therefore does not cause any functional disorders.
A vaginal reduction is a natural reconstruction of the fascia structure of the pelvic floor. But labia corrections, introitus reconstructions and abdominal wall surgery are also part of this area.
We therefore combine two essential points: on the one hand, the plastic reconstruction, on the other hand, the maintenance of a normal function. The surgical offer is rounded off by high-quality therapeutic advice in the field of sexual medicine.
Desire also arises in the head – therefore the psychosexual aspect should not be neglected. Let us advise you and find a solution to your problem together.

“A high degree of precision, a trained eye and years of experience make the “subtle” difference to normal cosmetic surgery. At the IBBZ in Berlin, you and your wishes come first. A high level of patient safety thanks to years of surgical experience in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery lead to natural results that harmonize with the overall picture of the patient“
— Dr. med. habil. Annett Gauruder-Burmester