About us
Interdisciplinary Pelvic Floor Center
Ensuring the highest expertise in all specialized fields and treating all patients as a complete whole and as an individual – these are the key priorities of the Interdisciplinary Pelvic Floor Center. Such goals require very close and trusted cooperation between all our different departments. It’s not professionals working side by side but in parallel and joint action that enables our departments to so effectively realize common therapeutic goals and treatment strategies.
This interdisciplinary approach is based on collectively shared recommendations and guidelines for individual pelvic disorders. In contrast to the traditional medical mindset, we take a systematic and holistic approach to individual disorders.

Objectives of our interdisciplinary cooperation
- Timely, high-quality treatment with minimum patient wait times
- Concurrent diagnostics and parallel treatment
- Improving medical care by developing new structures in close cooperation with the health insurance companies and on the regulatory level
- Establishing an interdisciplinary training system
- Standardized approach throughout all departments
Our physicians and therapists have excellent specialized qualifications and regularly undergo quality control. Inpatient services are provided at Berlin-Buch’s Helios hospital, the Emil von Behring Helios hospital in Berlin-Zehlendorf as well as Berlin’s Hygiea hospital. As an interdisciplinary center, our clinic is integrated into the teaching and research arms of Berlin’s Charité medical network and affiliated with its Radiology and Sexual Medicine departments. Working together with physicians from various European universities plus other prominent facilities in Switzerland lends the Pelvic Floor Center an international character and allows us to benefit from the latest scientific and medical findings.
Our Academy, founded in 2010, offers certified continuing education for students, colleagues, nursing staff – even patients. Our Interdisciplinary Pelvic Floor Congress is held every two years.

Meet some of our friendly, dedicated and expert staff in this brochure and learn more about our broad spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic options.